Death By Logic!

Death By Logic!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The "Joys" of Serving the Public

Well, I'll probably post another, more fun post later . . . just wanted to write a bit here. Been on shift at work for about 1.5 hours now, and within the first half hour we had quite possibly one of the most annoying people on the planet come by the Desk.

D had been warning me about her as I started my shift, since she'd been given hassle earlier by this lady. One of those "the other place is so much better" people . . . "I don't like how the Lounge has been changed here, it's ugly" . . . "The rooms are so much nicer over there, and the staff are so nice" . . . "How come whenever I call about a room you tell me you're full?" . . . "How come these people have a room when you said it's full?" (we'd had a cancellation).

And then she wins some money on our VLT's and as I pay her, she says "I'll just go take this money now and pay for my room at the other place", and under her breath as she leaves (but just loud enough that we could hear her) "seeing as you don't like me here."

Now, except for the last comments, I wasn't around to catch the rest. And that's probably why I still have a job, since throttling patrons is generally frowned upon. But as she left, I thought "We don't like you here? And how could that possibly be?"

If you're looking for a summary or a point to this post, you'll be dreadfully disappointed. Just a mini-rant, no direction or point to make really. As I said, if all goes well, I'll add another post tonight, and if not, I'll add one soon.


Loch said...

Those are the best. I always wish we could do the first thing that came to our minds and justify it with the age old "she started it". Oh well. Another day, another dollar.
Again and always, Later Days

Alannah said...

One of the unfortunate things about the service industry is that the general public seem to equate 'service' with 'slave'. As in, "Your entire reason for existance is to ensure that I never, ever have to inconvenience myself in any way". I get to deal with these uniquely entitled folks from time to time as well; I can totally sympathize with the all-but-constant need for suppressing homicidal tendencies!

Anonymous said...

I understand the need for pointless rants - but you already knew that. I also understand the hatred of retardly stupid customers, and the annoyance of self-flaggellation coming from whiny people who seem to expect you to make them feel better. *hugs* I doubt anyone would have reported you, so long as you hid the body well enough - maybe on the other hotel's property....hell, then you might get a promotion or something!