Death By Logic!

Death By Logic!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Online Tests: Do 'em and Post your Results in Comments!

K, do like the title says. Do the tests, cause they're fun and I like them. Then post what you got in the comments (or on your own blog, but be sure to give me your link so I can see what you got). *Oh joy!*

Take the What High SchoolStereotype Are You? quiz.

Kay, some true, some not so....either way, I'd have classified myself as this in High School too.

What Type of Villain are You?

Same deal here, true but not so....*shrug* Anyway, it's just fun.

Click here to visit website
Which Final Fantasy 8 Character are you?
You don't like being around people but they don't let that stop them. For some reason others see you as a good leader and keep putting you in charge when you would be much happier locked in your room away from the world.

Yay, Squall! (I was hoping to be him, and kind of figured my personality closely resembles his.

I can live with that. And that's it for this round. How'd you guys do?


Alannah said...

Unfortunately, the 'comments' section doesn't support the HTML tag for the pictures, but my high school stereotype is 'Blonde: Sickeningly happy and popular, some would consider you flaky as they come. It's probably just because the're jealous of your happiness. I mean, you have the looks, the lover, and the popularity ... what more is there to life?' Ha. Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Alannah said...

And as for the villain type, I am the 'Evil Genius: You're too smart for your own good sometimes... and you can be quite stubborn, because you believe you're always righ. You don't need other people to boost your selfconfidence, but people are usually glad to boost your ego.... Because you've proven to them that there are worse things than death....

Other Ebil Geniuses:
-Professor Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes)
-Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the LAmbs)
-Elijah (Unbreakable)

Anonymous said...

Goody Two Shoes. Creepy, eerily accurate. I wasn't a happy person much of the time in high school. Depression, or angst, or--just had to wait for adulthood to be comfortable in my own skin.

Anonymous said...

Evil genius--who, me??

Anonymous said...

I am Qui-Gon Jinn:

"In addition to having a kick-ass obscure name (thank you!!), you are strong-willed, level-headed and just a plain old good guy (girl.) Nobody ever has anything bad to say about you because you always keep it real in the field. Do you keep chill by doing yoga or pilates? (Pilates.)"

Loch said...

I'm a geek. That's...not even funny. Oh well, the truth hurts. Later Days...Loch