Death By Logic!

Death By Logic!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Post Number One: Enter the Genius

Well, isn't this interesting? Someone has decided that, rather than spend a few minutes living their own life, they'll read about the rollicking adventures of KojiroMusashi, a.k.a. The Dim-Witted Genius, a.k.a. me. I warn you now, no information that could jeopardize national security will be divulged. No information which might prove a source of revenue for unscrupulous characters will be leaked. And no highly embarrassing stories will be told about your host. Period.

On the other hand, you may find my thoughts enlightening, or at least good for a laugh. You might find that you agree wholeheartedly with me on some issues, and disagree vehemently with me on others. This is where the "comments" section will prove very useful, as you can praise my logic, or decry it, and others can read your views and do likewise.

Also, as life in High Prairie, the small town where I live, is not exactly the most interesting place in the world, some of my posts may be, shall we say, exaggerated to some extent. Some will not. It will be you, the reader, who will be responsible for sorting out fact from fiction. Who knows, I just might start a story or two. Names and places may be changed to protect the guilty, or the innocent, depending on whom I sympathize with. Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

Hey Hey Hey!!! Nice start to what I'm sure will be a great blog. I didn't know you were into the Narnia Chronicles. Well, I'm almost finished Timeline and I must say M.C is rapidly becoming my favorite author. I will agree to reading J.P. But don't tell anyone. I still think it's kind of nerdy. Lol. Later Days, Loch

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I'm almost breathless with anticipation.
Almost--or I'd be dead, I suppose...
An inside track to the mind of my son---hmmm.
Can't wait!

Alannah said...

You're going to have to give me some HTML tips - you did some AWESOME things to your template!

KojiroMusashi said...

To SnickersChick:

Hey Sis! Here's a short dictionary to help you re-read my postings.

From my Intro @ the Top of the Page

Enigmatic = Mysterious
Inherent = Goes With Automatically
(Think "Inherit money")
Frailty = Weakness

From This Post:

Rollicking = Carefree and Joyful
Jeopardize = Put at Risk
Divulged = Made Known
Revenue = Money or Wealth
Unscrupulous = No Morals
Vehemently = Passionately

There you go Sis!
Luv ya! *Mwah*