Death By Logic!

Death By Logic!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"Inner Vertigo"

Lochlyn asked me to post, and I don't think I've really got much to say. This might seem weird, so bear with me. Probably, you'll all think either I'm completely odd, or worry that there's something wrong, but I don't think it's too big of a deal, myself.

Maybe you've never had this, but once in a long while, I'll have a bit of what I call "inner vertigo". Actually I'm having it right now, thus the post. Don't know what causes it, or what makes it stop, though I think fatigue or stress might be related. I don't usually find it alarming and just try to enjoy it, since it's kind of relaxing.

The best way to describe it is like this : in the middle of whatever I'm doing, I'll suddenly feel light-headed and slightly disoriented, like I had just spun in one of those Twister fair rides. I'll feel dizzy, but not enough to really impair my mobility. I move slowly whenever this happens though, just in case. When I close my eyes, the feeling that the world's spinning intensifies, which makes this kind of annoying if I'm trying to sleep.

Anyway, like I said, it's not that big a deal, and kind of fun . . . also like I said, it doesn't happen very often at all, and doesn't usually last for more than an hour or so. So don't freak out, friends and family.


Don't even know why I'm writing this, actually. Maybe to see if anyone else has ever had "inner vertigo", or if I'm just special . . .


Loch said...

Don't be alarmed Koji, It happens to me too all the time. Only I call 'em dizzy spells. But come to think of it, theat only happenes when I'm trying to sleep. Never at work. See you in nine hours...

Anonymous said...

umm, you're overtired, Jess! Those 24-48 hour marathons do catch up to you, you know.
Orrrrr...once in awhile it's fluid in your middle ear--you'll notice it especially when you first wake in the morning and change positions: the room moves either left or right--and won't stop til you've been in that new position for awhile.