Death By Logic!

Death By Logic!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A Quick Update from the Madhouse

Hm. The past while has been harder to keep up with regular posting. My apologies to whoever my readers are (I know I have at least a couple, so sorry :) I'll try to keep this as updated as I can, but my hours at work have been scaled down considerably, and when I'm bored and thoughtful at work, that's when I feel the need to post. So at any rate, I'll try to post every so often, but I can't promise much.

Updates from the life of me:

- Life has calmed down some in the recent days. Things were pretty crazy for awhile with work, either too many shifts or not enough.
YC '06 was an incredible experience, as always. 11 consecutive years, and I'm thinking I might catch the next one too. Getting kind of old, but I might squeeze one more year out of it ;) The reason for the stress recently was due to my organizing a group of about 40 to attend. Things before YC were insane (I hold title as the Official Albertan King of Procrastination . . . Yes, OAK-P, that's me), but I finally got there, and things eased up a bit when we got there.

- Lost my voice completely by 5:00 pm on Sunday, which comforted me a bit. I was getting worried that I wasn't gonna make it, since losing one's voice at YC is a tradition dating back to the days of yore (back when you could actually number the people at YC, if you took all weekend and had nothing better to do). But as it turned out, yelling instructions over a group of 30 youth and their supervisors, over the craziness of 16,000+ in Rexall Place multiple times proved sufficient to get the voice gone. So my voice is still slowly repairing itself, which is good. I was getting frustrated with sounding like a fourteen year old again.

- And it's official: I'm moving. As are my brother and cousins. Yes, we're packing up and making the perilous trip with all our earthly belongings to a destination 3 doors down from where we're currently at. Yeah, big whoop. The place is pretty much the same as the 1/2 duplex we're in right now, only it's got a patio deck, a carport, a finished basement, wood laminate flooring, and is generally nicer to look at and live in than our current abode. The room layout is far more convenient as well. Bigger living room, bigger dining area (but a slightly smaller kitchen area), carpet and walls in the basement (which makes for a far more comfortable atmosphere), and there's a nice area in the backyard that seems destined to become a firepit. Exxxxxcellent!

- As I've mentioned, the hours at work have been axed quite a bit, which is frustrating. I'm already not making as much from my second part-time job, which I'll be ending alongabouts the end of July anyway, and now this :^( As much as I hate to admit it, I might have to move on and get a different job. Really don't want to, because as cliche as it may seem, I really will miss the people I work with. Also, it's comforting to know your way around work, and I've always hated that 1-2 month period where you're walking on eggshells, trying to remember everything (and everyone's name).

- Also, I'm considering ditching High Prairie altogether. Where would I go, and what would I do?
The Shadow knows! . . . .Yeah, whatever. Might move to Prince Rupert with my parents, might move to Edmonton and do whatever. Been considering the Canadian Armed Forces, or maybe teaching English overseas . . . The list is endless, but I may be faced with the decision sooner than I expect, since I'm rooming with my bro right now. He's looking at getting married around October or November, and I'm not really into renting by myself in High Prairie, so . . . Who knows? If anyone knows how to get ahold of The Shadow, let me know. I'll ask him.

- And of course, the most important thing right now: The
Edmonton Oilers are going to win the Stanley Cup! Yes, the Holy Grail of hockey will soon be residing in the City of Champions once again. What's that? Speaking prematurely??? I would slap some sense into you, if I could be so bold. They're up against Carolina . . . and the last time I checked, Carolina didn't rank on my list of the Capitals of Hockey. In fact, if I had to peg anyone as not being a Hockey Mecca, it'd be Carolina. (Sorry to any Carolina fans . . . actually, do any exist north of the border? *shrug*) Plus, I knew from the moment they killed the Sharks that the Oil was going all the way. Nope, you won't find any stanleybutterfinger-calgaritis when it comes to Edmonton.

And that's a quick update from my world. Feel free to drop comments, since on this page, they'll actually get read.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had fun at YC. High Prairie missed you. Glad your back at work too so we can continue our debates and minesweeper challenges. Can't get enough of that. As to the Oilers... booooo! America will hold onto the cup, sorry to say. I'll see you in the morning. Loch

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Good post. Thanks for visiting my Journal.