Death By Logic!

Death By Logic!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Second Verse, Same As The First . . .

Well, another update from life in Quesnel? Alright, but only since you asked so nicely . . .

Got a job (this news is three or four weeks old, but I didn't really think it was worth rushing right home to tell you. In fact, the reason for this post is because it's Friday, I'm at work alone, and bored out of my tree). Yes, I got a job. It's at a local Loans 'til Payday place, and my co-worker / manager is nice. The days seem to drag, because many of our clients are loaning on us with CPP, Disability, Child Tax, etc . . . So apart from the couple of days a month those cheques get issued, we're pretty quiet here.

Of course, that's not to say we don't do ANYthing else, either. In addition to loans, we cash cheques, do income tax, sell phone cards, do Western Union transfers, and about a million other little things that help the minutes draaaaag by. All in all, it's not a horrible job, and my co-worker / manager is quite fun to be around, and pretty relaxed. She's only a half year older than I am, so the crustiness that can so often accompany management is thankfully lacking in her personality.

Part time work at a loan place, and my life keeps going, whether I've got a firm grip on it or not. I wish I could just decide what direction I want my life to go in, and get on with it. I recently did an extensive series of aptitude tests at an employment centre. I was tired of just coasting through life, aimlessly drifting from one job to another. What surprised me (it actually shocked me into silence; I could only get out faint squeaks when the guy doing the tests asked if the results made sense to me) was that the test results indicated I could pretty much do anything I wanted, with the potential for a Doctorate.

Now, I'd never really considered myself to be mentally incompetent by any stretch, but this information surprised me fully. I guess it's one thing for people to tell you to "reach for the stars" and "you can do anything you want to". It's something else for an impersonal test battery to concur. So the real question becomes, now that I have a clear idea of my potential, what will I do with that?

Ironically, the test results didn't really accomplish what they were supposed to, since I took them to get a better understanding of what career I would be most comfortable in. I expected a definite answer, not an "all of the above".

*shrug* Well, back at square one I guess, but this time armed with a real belief in what I could do, if I ever showed the initiative. And from where I'm standing (still standing, one could say), that's a pretty big "IF".

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